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A marriage is a human need, but its dynamics are not easy. One of the failures in handling its dynamics is caused by a lack of premarital preparation since they are adolescents. One of the studies providing premarital da’wah to adolescents is Samara Youth Islamic Study Club (YISC) Al-Azhar. This study aims to examine the premarital study of Samara YISC Al-Azhar from the perspective of adolescent psychology. This descriptive literature study uses documentary data resources taken from the official website of YISC Al-Azhar and YouTube. It results that Samara study as a premarital study for adolescents is a well-qualified one. It is because all da’wah elements, including purposes, materials, preachers, methods, and da’wah media have adjusted aspects of adolescent psychology. Adolescents involved as mad’uw are general Moslem adolescents, especially in Jabodetabek. It adjusts aspects of adolescent psychology related to the marriage preparation, namely: (1) perceptions about marriage (purposes, age of marriage, criteria of couple candidates, and process of building relationship); (2) a need for building relationship; (3) problems when maintaining relationship (heart break, premarital sex, depression, and others). This study is one of the efforts to avoid adolescents in sinful behaviour and experience failure in their marriages in the future.