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The ability to build loyalty among its members (Jemaah) is one of the competitiveness of da'wah organizations. The brand of da'wah organizations has great potential to build loyalty among its Jemaah, unfortunately study of brand strategy has not been into that area. For this reason, a paradigmatic study is needed to create a bridge that connect the great potential of da'wah organization brand and the urge to build a systematic approuch to create Jemaah loyalty. This article uses qualitative non-empirical research (conceptual research) by applying theoretical synthesis analysis of the concepts of brand, brand experience, and consumer loyalty to produce paradigmatic foundations for the application of brand experience management in the strategic activity held by da'wah organizations. The paradigmatic foundations found in this article include reinterpreting the essence of da'wah as a long process to build a complete Muslim character; placing mad'uw as a strategic partner in developing brand equity; realizing the potential of the brand as a strategic asset as well as an instrument to build Jemaah loyalty; realize the demands of skills and creativity to adapt the brand experience principles into da'wah design.