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In general, da'wah is divided into bil lisan, bil qalam, and bil hal. Currently, the development of bil qalam da'wah is far behind from bil lisan da'wah. There are very few references to da'wah writing that are applied, especially those based on arguments. So far, da'wah writing is synonymous with persuasion writing because the meaning of da'wah is an appeal, similar to the definition of persuasion. This paper aims to enrich and at the same time serve as a guide in argumentative da'wah writing based on Stephen Toulmin's Argumentation theory. The study was conducted with a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the study resulted in conclusions, the stages of writing an argumentative da'wah are: 1) Exploring the spirit of the message of da'wah, 2) Collecting data, 3) Formulating the argumentation structure, 4) Composing a writing framework, 5) Developing a framework. These steps can be a guide for the development of bil qalam da'wah.